The Atlantic Blue Port Services-@BluePortS- project will be addressing the contentious issue of ships effluents, in particular oiled water, ballast water and invasive species at a number of events, demonstrations and exhibitions taking place during European Maritime Day 16th-17th May 2019 in Lisbon, Portugal.

The Atlantic Blue Port Services project –
@BluePortS – aim is to find a consensus for ‘adequate’ port services for the management of effluents that is attractive for ship owners and manageable for ports. The Interreg funded project has brought together 24 partners from the Atlantic area including port authorities, port reception facility operators, public authorities, businesses, cluster organisations, national authorities and research centres.
The consortium will take an active part in the European Maritime Day to promote the project results, meet with relevant organisations and discuss related regulations and environmental concerns. In particular the project will discuss the IMO Ballast Water Management Convention implementation scheme and the environmental risks linked to invasive species.
The IMO Ballast Water Management Convention is a new challenge that ship owners, ports and national authorities need to address. Its implementation has unforeseen costs and complexity although everybody agrees on its rationale. Is there a way to reduce its economic impact and even facilitate its operational implementation? This is one of the questions the Atlantic Blue Port project hopes to address.
The Atlantic Port Services project will have three stands throughout the European Maritime Days event. The stands aim to present the three main issues being addressed by the project; what are the risks associated with shipping and port activities regarding invasive species and pollutants? What are the seawater monitoring facilities they use to detect pollution? And how port reception and treatment facilities for ships effluents contribute to reduce marine pollution.
To register to attend the European Maritime Days event visit: https://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/maritimeday/en
To register to our workshopn and side events (demos and visit of the port of Lisbon): https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=MpZ-Bkzq2U6ebeKUlW4oSzc_Vfujy2xMhyGovnxp5RJUMU1WM1QwWFM0NjFXU0M4NERCTVBOOVIwUS4u