Last week, the ECOTOUR Project partners met for a new plenary meeting where the Canarian entities, together with the ones from Azores and Mauritania were represented. The meeting consisted of a first day, the plenary session, in the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, in which we caught up on the actions executed up to date within Continúa leyendo
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3rd NAUTICOM Newsletter
You can now consult the 3rd NAUTICOM Newsletter (in Spanish), by clicking on this link and on the project website. It is a semi-annual publication, developed with the aim of supporting the establishment of the NAUTICOM network, which seeks to promote strategic alliances in the nautical sector. This third newsletter corresponds to the first semester Continúa leyendo
Workshop on the Special Areas of Conservation of Gran Canaria
The process to update the management plans of the 24 Marine Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) of the Canary Islands continues with participatory workshops on the different islands. In May, we attended to the worskhop celebrated in La Palma, organized by the Biodiversity Fundation, that covered specifically the SACs of the Marine Area of Fuencaliente, Continúa leyendo
Workshop to update the SACs Management Plans of La Palma
We participated in the workshop updating the management plans of the SACs of Fuencaliente and Garafía, giving continuity through the ECOTOUR Project, to a work initiated in the research group more than ten years ago with the MARMAC Project.