Last week, the ECOTOUR Project partners met for a new plenary meeting where the Canarian entities, together with the ones from Azores and Mauritania were represented. The meeting consisted of a first day, the plenary session, in the Cabildo de Gran Canaria, in which we caught up on the actions executed up to date within the different activities, and a second, as a field trip, in which we revisited La Marciega, this time in the company of the partners from Azores and Mauritania.
The morning was dedicated to the coordination of activities, presenting the work carried out by the different entities. The next actions were also discussed, adjusting the schedule to the remaining time of the project, that reaches its end in October 2020. In the afternoon, the contents for a coming training course in ecotourism was presented.
The next day, we visited La Aldea, the location under study in the project in the case of the island of Gran Canaria. There, after a warm welcome in the Visitor Center, we went on a short walk towards El Puertito, with the company of the chronicler of La Aldea. After the meal, the proximities of La Marciega were also visited. Therem we could see some of the actions carried out on the site, such as the installation of the birdwatching hide or the delimitation of El Charco.